Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tahdhib and Aklaq

Moral Education:
Tahdhib comes from the word Hudhaba which means to train, clean, improve, and refine someone. So, Tahdhib means training and education for personal imporvement and refinement. In other words Tahdhib means moral education.
Akhlaq comes from the word Kahlaqa which means to create, shape, and mold. So, Akhlaq means naturally good temper, noble character, and good manners. Islam teaches us: "All people are on the Fitrah, true noble narure." (transmitted by Bukhari)
Environment meaning the people that surround us can impact us. The Quran (Holy Book) and Sunnah (Prophet's actons) teach us good morals and manners. It is very important for a Muslim to learn about Islamic Tahdhib and Akhlaq.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Decency of Dress and Good Manners

Part of being modest is to dress properly. Allah (SWT) says, "O you children of Adam! We have bestowed garments upon you to cover your shame, as well as to make you look beautiful. But the garment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the signs of Allah that they may receive admontion!" (Al-Araf 7:26)
The way you dress is very important. If you dress modest, you are modest. If you dress indecently, you are indecently.

Islamic dress coding is known as Satr. Satr says that girls should cover their entire body. The hands and face are the only thing optional to be covered. Muslim women around muslim women should also be modest. However, if they want to they can cover themselves from the navel to the knees. Boys should cover the body between the navel and the knees. Both men and women should wear loose clothing.
Our own Prophet Muhammed (S) lived very modestly. He didn't have fancy meals, or fancy clothes. He wore simple attire and ate simple meals. When someone learns to live modest, he doesn't need fancy clothes, etc., and jealousy has left their hearts. Let us all try to be a good true modest person. Ameen!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Explaination of Hadeeth

"Consideration is from Allah and haste is from the devil."
When you care or when you are considered about others, the thoughts are from Allah. However, when you do somehting out of selfishness, it is from the devil. You can implement this in your lives by considering before just doing something. You can also take your time and have a good intention. For example, if you are done with your homework, you can be considered by offering a freind if she needs help. If she does, you can take time out by explaining to her, nicely and slowly.

Modesty and Humility

First of all, what is modesty? Think about it. If you still don't know, modesty is being humble and doing good deeds or actions without trying to get noticed or show off. You should try not to have pride in yourself and show off. Prophet Muhammed (S) said, "Actions are judged by their intentions." Since modesty means purity of intention, your actions are judged based on who and what you are doing it for.

Think about this now, do you like to show off? Is yes not that is horrible. If no that is good. Show-offs want recognition for everything they do. They think that they are better than others and try to put them down. Many people pay attention to them, but inside they really don't care, and like them. Many people are proud of being beautiful, intelligent, etc. But these are all qualities that Allah (SWT) gave us. If He wants He can take it away from us.

Do you like people who show off? Probably not. As I mentioned earlier, show offs want recognition for everything they have achieved. Say you got a 60% on your test, and your friend got a 99%, and she started showing off her grade, would you like that? Probably not. You should try not to be a show off and try not to hang out with show offs. You probably felt really dumb. Your friend just wanted someone to notice her grade. One should also not brag when offering charity. Muhammed (S) said, "He is most charitable who gives secretly that his left hand doesn't know what his right hand has given." (trasmitted by Bukhari)

We should all try to be a True Muslim for a true Muslim knows that everything he has is from Allah: wealth, beauty, intelligence, etc. One has nothing to be proud about because one day Allah (SWT) can take everything away. Remember, everything is a gift from Allah (SWT) and you should be modest about it!