Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Backbiting and Cursing

Have you ever heard someone backbite or even curse? Or have you backbited or cursed yourself? Ponder about this question hard before you continue reading….
Backbiting means to say awful things about a person when he or she isn’t present. Would you ever like someone to backbite about you? I do not think so. If you hear someone backbiting, you should not join them. You should either change the subject, or just leave. If that is impossible, just stay quiet. The Quran says that backbiting is like eating the flesh of one's dead brother. Isn't that disgusting and shameful?
Have you noticed that when you backbite, you hurt someone’s feelings or you can even ruin their reputation? Instead of backbiting, just tell the person how you feel about them, to their face.

Cursing is a form of verbal abuse using vulgar words or to wish misfortune on a person. This is a horrible habit that is disrespectful. We should never curse Allah’s creation, whether if it is an animal or human. Prophet Muhammed (S) said, “Do not use bad language, for Allah doesn’t like bad language or the use of it.” (Bukhari and Abu Dawud)
Another hadiths says, “The believer doesn’t taunt, curse, abuse anyone, or talk indecently.” (Tirmidhi)

Have you ever heard the saying what goes around must come around? So, if you curse or backbite about someone, don’t be surprised if someone is doing it to you.

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